Bayerischer Filmpreis für “Die Biene Maja – Der Kinofilm”


Die optische Gestaltung von Biene Majas Welt lag u.a. in den Händen von M.A.R.K.13, des Stuttgarter Animationsstudios um Merz Akademie-Alumni Armin Gauß.

Als bester Animationsfilm wurde „Die Biene Maja – Der Kinofilm“ mit dem Bayerischen Filmpreis 2014 ausgezeichnet, der über eine Dreiviertelmillion Besucher erreicht hat.


Best Film, Best Director, Awards for graduate Phoebe Ammon at the “Blaue Blume Award” 2024

Best Director, Best Film for graduate Phoebe Ammon’s film “Long Night Stand” at the Blaue Blume Award! Congratulations! Romance TV hosted the BLAUE BLUME Award for the 13th time on...


Professional Award at GIRLS GO MOVIE for graduate Iris Maier

Congratulations! Our graduate Iris Maier wins the Professional Award at the “GIRLS GO MOVIE” short film festival in Mannheim for her impressive bachelor’s degree film at the Merz Akademie “So...


Maria Mohr is new Professor of Film and Video at the Merz Akademie

Filmmaker Maria Mohr will assume a professorship for film and video at Merz Akademie in the winter semester of 2023/24. She would like to accompany and support students in developing...


Workshop week in summer semester 2023 – Impressions

The exhibition and presentation at the end of the workshop week in the summer semester 2023 was once again super! Two courses presented themselves in our library, then we went...