New Media students do not simply create forms and digital surfaces. They draft tools of communication and conceive the qualities and usages of innovative technologies that are increasingly penetrating our lives today.

New Media students do not simply create forms and digital surfaces. They draft tools of communication and conceive the qualities and usages of innovative technologies that are increasingly penetrating our lives today.
New Media understands digital tools as cultural products, which can be called into question and changed according to one’s needs. Alongside seminars in web design and application development, there are also courses in computational design, immersive environments, spatial interaction, interfaces and apps for mobile devices, as well as physical computing.
Project work is centered around actual network and interaction concepts, based on current research and reflecting visions as well as ideals of design and networking pioneers. Open source ethics and do-it-yourself principles also play an important role.
The integrated internship also opens many doors for later career choices. Amongst other things, students and graduates have worked in the following companies and agencies: Fraunhofer Institute (Virtual Reality, Light Lab, Human Computer Interaction), IBM (Interface Design, Design Research), Phoenix Design (Product Design, Consumer Electronic Interfaces, Apps); Daimler Interface Lab (Car Interfaces), Bosch (User Interfaces, Apps), ZigZag (Interfaces, Apps, UX), Amplify Design (Products, Interfaces), Design Hoch Drei (Webdesign, Apps), Panama (Webdesign, Marketing), to name several.