Best Film, Best Director, Awards for graduate Phoebe Ammon at the “Blaue Blume Award” 2024

Phoebe Ammon with all the winners (Phoebe under the Blume "B") © API Daniel Hinzgucker

Best Director, Best Film for graduate Phoebe Ammon’s film “Long Night Stand” at the Blaue Blume Award! Congratulations!

Romance TV hosted the BLAUE BLUME Award for the 13th time on February 14, 2024. With around 300 guests, love in all its facets was celebrated at the Berlin event location The Reed. Under the patronage of Prof. Bettina Reitz, President of the Munich University of Film and Television, Romance TV presented three highly endowed awards in the categories “Best Film”, “Best Director” and “Best Acting Performance” with a total value of €12,500.

Of the young talents nominated this year, Phoebe Ammon was delighted to receive the Best Director award for her film “Long Night Stand”. The romantic comedy, which was also awarded in the Best Film category, stages a soul striptease with sympathy and quiet humor that constantly fluctuates between selfishness and solidarity among the protagonists.

Excerpt from the laudatory speech (Best Film) by Maria Furtwängler:

The jury was deeply impressed by the chamber play-like production, which is incredibly close to the protagonists.
Together with her cameraman – great pictures – the director finds images that allow us to experience the story up close.
In such a gentle, poetic – that’s right – and touching way that you are magically drawn into this world.
The excellent cinematography, the loving staging, with harmonious background music – very courageous music decisions, but really good, really good -, as well as the authentic acting – really to be emphasized: the authentic great acting – make this mixture of drama and comedy a small masterpiece and thus a winning film.


Übrigens: Phoebe Ammons Film “Long Night Stand” war eine Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Merz Akademie-Absolventen. Die lobend hervorgehobene Kamerarbeit stammt von unserem Absolventen Anuthinan Ratnamaheson, mit ihm hat Phoebe auch die Postproduktion gemacht. Einer der Producer war unser Absolvent Andreas Buschhaus – das ganze Drehteam waren Merz Akademie-Absolvent*innen und unsere Dozentin Yvy Heußler hat als Voice Actor mitgewirkt.

Phoebe Ammon freut sich:

Eine wirklich schöne Sache, dass wir da selbst nach dem Abschluss wieder als Merz-Crew zusammengekommen sind.


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