Maren Schmohl follows appointment at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd

Maren Schmohl bei der Verabschiedung der Absolvent*innen im Sommersemester 2021

The Merz Akademie is looking for a new head of academic affairs. Maren Schmohl, who has played an important role in defining the university’ s development over many years, will be moving to the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd as Rector in January 2023.

Managing Director Stefan Grünenwald comments: “We congratulate Maren Schmohl on her appointment to the HfG Gmünd and wish her all the best in her new role. The higher education landscape is always in flux, and so is the Merz Akademie. We are looking forward to welcome a new person with university experience in the top academic office, who knows the challenges that a non-state university has to face and who will develop strategies for the further development of the Merz Akademie together with the management.”

Maren Schmohl has been a member of the university’s executive board since 2008. The main focuses of her work have included the continuous development of the degree programs, the establishment of a quality assurance system, the monitoring of research and cooperation projects, and the optimization of internal processes. As rector, she placed sustainability and diversity at the center of her agenda. She is a founding member of EQ-Arts and a member of the Representative Board of ELIA (European League of the Institutes of the Arts), one of the largest international networks for artistic universities. She is regularly involved as a reviewer in international accreditation processes.

“I leave the Merz Akademie with one crying eye and one laughing eye. It is a gem of the German university landscape, whose profile of an equally innovative and critical media education has great potential, ” says Maren Schmohl.

The rector’s office is to be filled on January 1, 2023.


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