Prorector Maren Schmohl Becomes Member of the Representative Board of ELIA


The General Assembly of ELIA, the network of Europe’s artistic universities, elected a new president and the members of the Representative Board on November 24 in Rotterdam. A new member is Maren Schmohl, prorector of the Merz Akademie.

“The members of the Board come from all parts of Europe and represent a wide variety of artistic higher education institutions. It is an honor for me to be part of this board and, as one of three German representatives, also to represent the Merz Akademie,” says Maren Schmohl. Andrea B. Braidt, prorector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, was elected as the new president of ELIA.

ELIA – The European League of Institutes of the Arts, with 250 member institutions, is one of the largest international networks for design colleges, art academies and universities. ELIA represents a total of about 300,000 students in 47 countries.


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