Mobile Medienschule Stuttgart Ost


With its “Video and Web School” within the framework of the Mobile Medien Schule Stuttgart East (MoMO), the Merz Akademie offers regular, open and free services for children and young people between 8 and 16 years of age. Media awareness and digital literacy is an important concern of the Merz Akademie, which would like to pass on its knowledge and experience to the young society.

Always Thursdays children and teenagers hear: And action! In the video and web school, they learn how websites and online channels work and can shoot their own clips or tutorials in the labs of the Merz Academy, such as the Greenbox and sound studio. Media educators are always at their side and support them in their projects.

There is a great demand for educational opportunities in the fields of film, media and digital cultures. Children and teenagers should learn an active and critically-reflected way of dealing with each other, which gives them opportunities to access and shape their lives. However, despite a large number of individual initiatives, there are still too few regular contact points. With the initiative “Mobile Medien Schule Stuttgart Ost” (MoMO), Aktivspielplatz Raitelsberg e.V., Stadtmedienzentrum Stuttgart (SMZ), Kinder- und Jugendhaus Ostend and Merz Akademie, supported by vhs stuttgart, are pooling their skills, resources and infrastructures and from 17 October 2019 will be offering regular, open and free media education courses on topics such as film, web, social media, software and hardware for children and young people between the ages of 8 and 16.

(from left) Andrea Spieth, Kinder- und Jugendhaus, Dejan Simonović, Stadtmedienzentrum, Andreas Pohl, AKI, Isabel Huber, MoMO contact person, Martin Fritz, Merz Akademie, Iris Loos, vhs


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