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Our Nominees for Studienstiftung Scholarship – Philipp Fritsch

A total of four cross-media publishing students from the Merz Akademie have been nominated for the 2021 scholarship call of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. This means that all the...


Screenplay award for graduate Phoebe Ammon

The 2020 Audience Award of the Drehbuchpreis Schleswig-Holstein goes to Phoebe Ammon for BOMBENGRANATENEVENTS. Congratulations! In 2020, the third edition of the Schleswig-Holstein Screenplay Award took place under special circumstances....


Our Nominees for Studienstiftung Scholarship – Veronika Wiens

A total of four cross-media publishing students from the Merz Akademie have been nominated for the 2021 scholarship call of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. This means that all the...


Our Nominees for Studienstiftung Scholarship – Larissa Mocka

A total of four cross-media publishing students from the Merz Akademie have been nominated for the 2021 scholarship call of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. This means that all the...


Kalkül der Scham – New Book by Dr. Jürgen Riethmüller

Kalkül der Scham – Der soziale Affekt und das Politische. The new book by Dr. Jürgen Riethmüller, academic researcher in the field of cultural studies, cultural history and text, has...


Merz Akademie at Kometenparade

Winter Market of Independent Publishers Books could be ordered from the online pop-up store until December 18. The store will be supplemented and accompanied by, among other things, the all-day...


Equal Opportunities Thanks to Scholarship from Merz Bildungswerk

For the first time, Merz Bildungswerk awards two scholarships to students from Syria and South Korea Since 2018, the Merz Bildungswerk has been awarding scholarships to prospective students with exceptional...


Graduate Study 2019

The survey is aimed at Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates in 2018 and is intended to provide us with information on the retrospective assessment of their studies and the entry phase...


Fellowship Students of the Winter Semester 2020/21

Congratulations to our Fellowship Students in the Summer Semester 2020! Bachelor student Lisa Menzel and Master student Luisa Chryselidou, both in the first semester of their studies, receive a Förderkreis...


Award for Weijia Ma at DOK Leipzig

The documentary animation film, a Chinese-French co-production, deals with China’s one-child policy from the perspective of two young girls and thus has a very personal connection to the filmmaker’s history.