Prof. Kevin B. Lee at the exhibition “LiveInYourHead” in Geneva

Crossmedia Publishing professor Kevin B. Lee

The work of Crossmedia Publishing professor Kevin B. Lee is included in a new exhibition on the political practices of distraction, at LiveInYourHead in Geneva.

A concept that is often devalued, distraction refers as much to certain modalities of attention (floating, peripheral, mobile, changing…) as to the aesthetic productions associated with mass culture. In connection with the research seminars that governed its development, this exhibition wishes to put into perspective the double meaning covered by this notion in order to offer visitors an experience of distracted attention based on the works and documents it gathers.

A proposal by Christophe Kihm, Paul Sztulman, Dork Zabunyan and the work.master students

With Michelangelo Antonioni, Zoe Beloff, Andrea Cera, The Fantom Man, Harun Farocki, Chloé Galibert-Laîné, Watch Dogs 2, Joanna Grudzinska, Elem Klimov, Kevin B. Lee, Max Neuhaus, Peter Snowdon.

A collaboration between ESTCA (University of Paris 8), Ensad, HEAD-Geneva (ArTeC project “Politics of Distraction”)

Opening on 3 May
Exhibition from 4 May – 24 May


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