Students Abroad: Excursion to Basel


In summersemester 2023, New Media professor and net artist Olia Lialina was on a excursion with students from her project course “Dress Code: Fashion an AI” to the HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste) and the Kunsthalle in Basel. In her semester project, digital themes (aesthetics, trends, conflicts) are translated into analog materials and fabrics and vice versa. Furthermore, they investigate how “AI” and metaverse fantasies change fashion and the purpose of garments.

First, the students visited the exhibition “Swiss Media Art – Pax Art Awards 2022” at the Haus der elektronischen Künste. This unique institution is renowned for its commitment to exploring the intersections of art, technology, and culture. The exhibition showcased the exceptional works of three prizewinning Swiss media artists: Pe Lang, Johanna Bruckner, and Jennifer Merlyn Scherler.

“Our visit to HEK provided a captivating insight not only into the artists’ creations but also into the institution’s dedication to fostering innovative and thought-provoking art forms.” according to Olia Lialina.

At Haus der Elektronischen Künste Basel
"LuYang Vibratory Field" at Kunsthalle Basel


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