Weijia Ma becomes DAAD Visiting Professor at the Merz Akademie Stuttgart

DAAD Gastprofessorin Weijia Ma, Foto: privat

China has a long tradition in the field of animation, which is increasingly being recognized internationally. Weijia Ma uses experimental animation techniques in her work to explore narratives of contemporary life and social issues in China. Her work explores issues of identity – gender, culture and existence – and other contemporary topics that primarily affect women and families in China. Her short films have been shown at major film festivals around the world and have received international awards.

Since 2016 Weijia Ma teaches animation at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, College of Creative Studies. Like her artistic work, her focus is on experimental animation, storyboard design, concept design and character animation.

It is precisely these topics that form a new focus in the Merz Akademie’s curriculum, complementing the existing focuses in the study areas of film and video, visual communication, new media and cross-media publishing.

Kevin B. Lee, Professor of Crossmedia Publishing, has met Weijia Ma in recent years during his teaching activities in the USA and at artistic projects and film festivals. “Her work and the exceptional quality of content and technology have impressed and inspired me greatly. Through her experience and her advanced artistic practice, Weijia Ma is a valuable asset to the university. Our students have the opportunity to gain exciting insights into current developments in the field of animation,” he explains his decision to invite her as a visiting professor at the Merz Akademie.


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