Bernstein Illusion (Nava Dannenhauer)

The project Bernstein Illusion deals with the topics mysticism, treasure hunting and illusion. It’s based on the idea of a cabinet of wonder full of amber, which is designed sketchy and colourless and is only brought to life by the visitor’s intervention. It is based on Amber Room, which disappeared in 1945, but this version contains oversized amber stones sprouting from the ground, in which mystical artifacts rest. As a visitor, one is drawn into the spell of sparkling amber and treasures by the symbolic putting on of the „pink glasses“. It plays with the effect of moving objects to enhance the illusion.

The sketchy representation of the cabinet of wonder should symbolize objectivity and clarity. Through the interactive process of the „Pink Glasses“ and the animation of the room, the loss of reality and mysticism is symbolized, which negates the above-mentioned and places it in conflict.

The existence of the artifacts archived in the amber is still being speculated about today. One is the „magic mirror“, which symbolizes the fear of the future and the desire for omniscience. In this the observer sees visions of the future of individual people. Other artifacts are the „Fountain of Youth“, which symbolizes beauty and the desire for eternal youth, and the „Excalibur“, which stands for domination, war and power. Widening the view in interaction with the loss of reality, makes the timeless significance of the artifacts conscious.

Screenshot "Bernstein Illusion"

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