Prof. Kevin B. Lee at Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg and IFFR


His short film Once Upon a Screen: Explosive Paradox is presented in the International Competition of the Hamburg Short Film Festival, from 01-07.06. The film was completed at Merz Akademie with Merz Akademie’s own Michael Baur (sound design) and Irmela Nothdurft (color grading).

The video essay was published as part of Once Upon a Screen, a series of video essays about film viewing and childhood trauma, produced by Ariel Avissar and Evelyn Kreutzer, for the Cine-Files Journal of Cinema Studies, Issue 15.

His video series Bottled Songs 1-4, co-authored by Chloé Galibert-Laîné, screens at the International Film Festival Rotterdam as part of the Critics Choice Series, from 03-06.06. The film will screen both on demand and in cinemas in Rotterdam.

Bottled Songs is an ongoing media project that highlights strategies to see through terrorist online propaganda. Crossmedia Publishing professor Kevin B. Lee and filmmaker and media researcher Chloé Galibert-Laîné write letters telling each other about their experiences with videos originating from the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group. To follow and record their research, which takes place directly on their computer screens, they choose the desktop documentary mode. The first phase of the project includes four short films in the style of a desktop epistolary novel, each written by one of the two researchers to the other.

Filmstill Bottled Songs 1-4


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