Mondmädchen – report from the film shooting


Ten of our film students have created, pursued and implemented their own task. The film “Mondmädchen” is a non-university project, the location was the Lapidarum in Stuttgart. Student Laura Höpflinger reports about the self-organized shooting:

Due to the relatively small team and the dialogue-free nature of the recordings, we were able to work very freely and improve our soft skills such as communication, team skills and organisational skills. We could also learn a lot from dealing with actors, our actress was extremely helpful, nice and open-minded. So don’t be afraid to ask actors who may be older than you, most of the time they are very patient and willing to support you with their experience. Also the experience to rent places, to get in contact with officials or to organize a catering that includes more than pretzels and cola are experiences that I see as insanely valuable for further projects.

Mondmächen is a short film of an imaginary, fictional narrative that deals with the problems of identity, self-discovery and being a young woman.

The film is shot and now in the cut. Another tip from Laura:

During the shoot, everything may feel moderately difficult, until the biggest catastrophe can be expected, but the experiences of what can go wrong, you definitely take with you to the next projects and then profit from your mistakes.

Broadly speaking, I can only strongly recommend that you become active yourself and fill the time you have within your studies with experiences.

So implement projects and work in teams, use the possibilities and above all have fun!


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