Have You Heard… About Maren Schmohl


Have you heard

… about what our graduates do after university? …how our teachers and staff came to Merz Akademie and what they did before? Join Delaina Hasca and TJ Schmitt (students at Merz Akademie and AStA) as they interview graduates and alumni of Merz Akademie on their current life, what they have achieved and how their studies have helped them succeed in what they are doing now. Also, our staff has some interesting things to tell you that you won’t want to miss! Each episode contains an interesting story and information to help you find your way during and after your studies.

Maren Schmohl is the new rector of Merz Akademie and gives us an interesting insight into her work and the new goals she has set for herself and the university. Join her interview and learn more about Maren herself, her work and aims. Also learn about Merz Akademie under lockdown and the restrictions that come with it.


Merz Akademie@LETsDOK Dokumentarfilmtage 2024

Im September 2024 finden zum 5. Mal die bundesweiten Dokumentarfilmtage LETsDOK statt. Mit dabei sind auch Filme von Studierenden der Merz Akademie, die in Freiburg, Marbach und Stuttgart zu sehen...


”always wandering”: Photography lecturer Victor S. Brigola exhibits in the vhs-photogalerie

Victor S. Brigola travels a lot, both professionally and privately, but never without a camera. As a professional, experienced architectural photographer, he documents buildings on commission, but in his freelance...


Impressionen – Sommerfest 2024

Am Samstag, 13. Juli 2024 fand unser Sommerfest statt. Wir verabschiedeten unsere Bachelor- und Masterabsolvent*innen des Sommersemesters 2024. Die Abschlussausstellung der Absolvent*innen und die umfangreiche Werkschau mit Semesterprojekten, Gestaltungskursen und...


Zukünftige Freiheiten: Reportagen aus der postkarbonen Gesellschaft

Students, researchers, Stuttgart citizens and experts from various disciplines are investigating and discussing together in the collaborative project “Future Freedoms: Reportages from the post-carbon society of the year 2049” by...