Emeritus Prof. Christoph Dreher
20 years professor at the Merz Akademie! In a corona-secure celebration at the end of the 2020 summer semester, the Merz Akademie bid farewell to Christoph Dreher, Professor of Film...
20 years professor at the Merz Akademie! In a corona-secure celebration at the end of the 2020 summer semester, the Merz Akademie bid farewell to Christoph Dreher, Professor of Film...
I definitely want to spend the internship abroad. That was clear to Merz Akademie student Lucas from the very beginning of his studies. Above all, the development of his own...
Merz Akademie student Raphaela had decided to spend her internship abroad: I would also like to work abroad after completing my Bachelor’s degree and therefore wanted to use the time...
What happens if something is taken from you that you consider your property? The film tells the story of documentary filmmaker and Merz Akademie lecturer Andreas Geiger, who inherits a...
Ten of our film students have created, pursued and implemented their own task. The film “Mondmädchen” is a non-university project, the location was the Lapidarum in Stuttgart. Student Laura Höpflinger...
The IDEENSTARK jury decided: From around 140 applications from all over Baden-Württemberg, it selected 10 creative companies that are now jointly advancing their projects. One winning team is the film...
Das Milan Protokoll gewinnt den Preis für die beste Filmmusik! Herzlichen Glückwunsch Peter Ott und Ted Gaier!
Unser Film-Professor Peter Ott war mit einem großen Teil der internationalen Crew seines Film “Das Milan Protokoll” beim Duhok International Film Festival, auf dem Das Milan Protokoll im Filmwettbewerb lief....
Nicky verbrachte sein Praxissemester mit Hilfe eines PROMOS Stipendiums in Montreal, Kanada bei der Filmproduktionsfirma Bunbury Films. Er war bei verschiedenen Independent-Dokumentarfilmproduktionen dabei und hat dafür die unterschiedlichsten Aufgaben übernommen.
Das Delphi Arthaus Kino Stuttgart öffnet am 23. November 2017 seine Pforten für ein abendfüllendes Programm, das aktuelle Filmproduktionen (Kurzfilme aus allen Genres) von Hochschulen und Ausbildungsbetrieben aus der Region...