The Perfect Image


Department of Theory


Semester Project

Field of Study

Department of Theory


The Perfect Image is a co-project between Theory and Crossmedia Publishing. The course explores the desire for perfection in images and what ideologies and concepts have informed the idea of a “perfect image”. Many examples were studied from film and video, photography, design and online media, from different historical periods, especially from the wider digital present. Students applied their insights to make their own works reflecting on the topic. The final student works include video essays, documentary, photography, design, web design, social media and interactive media. In response to the challenges of online learning, students prepared their own video lectures on topics to improve their learning experiences.

With projects by: Alejandra Arias, Lukas Braun, Julien Brosch, Grete Eckardt, Esin Erol, Mala Ginter, Fabio Godel, Vincent Gössler, Emily Gross, Xander Heller, Aurelia Jenckel, Marius Kreiser, Pascal Lehmann, Paul Mignot, Larissa Mocka, Derya Mutlu, Selena Sandalj, Paul Schmidl, Jantiena Schütz, Sheeyeon Shin, Sophie Ullrich, Amelie Vogelmann, Lennart Voß, Lisa Wiesner, Chris Woods

(STILL) LIFE IN A PANDEMIC by Paul Mignot (The Perfect Image)

Vincent Gössler – The Web Situation

Chris Woods – Propaganda

Selena Sandalj – Fake or Real. The Perfect Image Quiz!

Sheeyeon Shin
Alejandra Arias
Social Media Research by Amelie Vogelmann

The Strange Scroll of Libido – a Journey Through Eros, Fetishism and Voyeurism
by Fabio Godel

The intent of this project was, to illustrate aspects of the topics eros, fetishism and voyeurism and immersing the viewer through visual elements into the spheres of each of those topics named above. I came up with this type of format, because I wanted to create a digital equivalent to the ancient or medieval analogue paper scrolls/scripts, which also works with the term ‘scrolling’ – sliding content on displays. The content used veries in its origin, from ancient paintings up to contemporary photography, from illustrations up to typography.

Emily Groß

Ally – What to do and to know in order to be a good ally and to work against racism and for equality!
by Sophie Ullrich

The purpose of this document is to provide help to all those who want to deal with the topic of racism more consciously. The gathered information, links, definitions etc that are presented here are neither complete nor sufficient enough to adequately summarise both the historical as well as the social dimensions of the issue but are intended as a starting point for those who want to further educate themselves.

This collection is highly subjective and represents topics and issues I personally had to overcome in my efforts of becoming a better ally.

I am thankful for any form of criticism and remarks – I am in the process of learning and while this is a long and often times frustrating way it is even more important. We have to change and improve – together!

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